Looking to open an account with Ikonic Technology?

We hold an unprecedented level of ready-to-ship IT stock and have the ability to deliver difficult-to-source items, all with impeccable service levels. As distributors of IT, we are Ikonic

Apply for an account

Once your application has been reviewed, you will be assigned a dedicated account manager who will be your trusted advisor, handling any queries you have, and ensuring you are getting our exemplary customer service alongside access to our abundance of stock. 

If you want to apply for a credit account now, select the option in the form below. We’ll just need some extra information and then get back to you as soon as possible to confirm approval of your application.

Become an Ikonic Partner Today

Apply for an account and access our stock

Subject to Incoterms 2020. All EU customers will be treated as DDP unless stated otherwise in writing.

Please note: account applications are subject to your acceptance of our terms & conditions of sale. Submitting the application form will constitute confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these terms.

Our terms are available at: https://www.ikonic.com/policies/sales-terms-and-conditions/

A Trusted Partner

With over 25 years in the technology distribution industry and registered with refferals and industry recognised accreditations, Ikonic are a known and trusted partner. 

Ask about our refferals and accreditations to find out more.

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